



  • 研究员、博士生导师
  • harveyzou2002@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 北京市海淀区学院路38号
  • bwin必赢官方网站

现任bwin必赢官方网站儿童青少年卫生研究所教师,兼任中国卫生监督协会学校卫生专业委员会主任委员、中华预防医学会儿少卫生分会常务委员兼秘书长、九三学社北京市委医药卫生专委会委员等。参与《儿少卫生学》、《高级营养学》、《现代儿少卫生学》等教材的编写和多媒体课程录制,在Lancet、Lancet Child Adolescent Health、Circulation、Nat Rev Endocrinol、eClinicalMedicine、J Hazard Mater、Environ Health Perspect、CMJ等国内外知名期刊发表论文68篇,其中SCI论文55篇,获得实用新型专利2项,曾参与制定《7岁~18岁儿童青少年血压偏高筛查界值》(WS/T 610-2018)等国家卫生行业标准3项和团体标准1项,协助负责《学校卫生工作条例》法规修订和《健康学校建设》草案等。以主要完成人获得2019年中华预防医学会科学技术一等奖和三等奖各1项,2019年宋庆龄儿科医学奖,以及获得帝斯曼缤纷科技奖-中国青年学者奖和bwin必赢官方网站优秀博士学位论文等。







4、教育部项目,学校卫生工作条例征求意见调研及修订,2018.03- 2019.12,15万,主持。完成《学校卫生工作条例》征求意见汇总稿、修订稿、修订说明,为加快《学校卫生工作条例》立法修订工作提交内部研究报告1篇。




8、bwin必赢官方网站董事长创新实践项目:体重控制饭盒实用模型的研发,2016/08- 2017/05,项目指导老师,获得bwin必赢官方网站医学部创新实践项目一等奖。




1. Neufeld LM, Andrade EB, Suleiman AB, Barker M, Beal T, Blum LS, Demmler KM, Dogra S, Hardy-Johnson P, Lahiri A, Larson N, Roberto CA, Rodríguez-Ramírez S, Shamah-Levy T, Sethi V, Strömmer S, Tumilowicz A, Weller S, Zou Z. Lancet Adolescent Nutrition Report 2: Food choice in transition:  Adolescent autonomy, agency, and the food environment. Lancet, 2022, 399(10320): 185-197. (IF=79.321 Q1)

2. Su Z, Zou Z*, Hay SI, Liu Y, Li S, Chen H, Zimmerman MS, Martin GR, Wilner LB, Sable CA, Murray C, Kassebaum NJ, Patton GC, Zhang H*. Global, regional, and national time trends in mortality for congenital heart disease, 19902019: An age-period-cohort analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study. EClinicalMedicine 2022;43: 101249. (Lancet新子刊)

3. Yang B#, Li S#, Zou Z#, Markevych I, Heinrich J, Bloom MS, Luo Y, Huang W, Xiao X, Gui Z, Bao W, Jing J, Ma J, Ma Y*, Chen Y*, Dong G*. Greenness Surrounding Schools and Visual Impairment in Chinese Children and Adolescents. Environ Health Perspect, 2021, 129(10):107006. (IF=9.031 Q1)

4. Dong Y, Gao D, Li Y, Yang Z, Wang X, Chen M, Wang Z, Song Y*, Zou Z*, Ma J. Effect of childhood phthalates exposure on the risk of overweight and obesity: A nested case-control study in China. Environ Int, 2022, 58: 106886. (IF=9.621 Q1)

5. Zou Z, Cini K, Ma Y, Dong B, Ma J, Burgner DP, Patton GC. Time trends in cardiovascular disease mortality across the BRICS: an age-period-cohort analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Circulation, 2020141(10): 790-799. (IF=29.690,外周血管疾病学类期刊第1/65, Q1)

6. Willeit P, Tschiderer L, on behalf of the Proof-ATHERO Study Groups. Carotid intima-media thickness progression as surrogate marker for cardiovascular risk: Meta-analysis of 119 clinical trials involving 100,667 patients. Circulation, 2020 accepted. (IF=23.603,参加Proof-ATHERO协作组)

7. Zou Z, Li C, Patton GC. Severity of Chinese famine and type 2 diabetes. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2019 (Comment, Q1)

8. Yang B#, Guo Y#, Zou Z#, Gui Z, Bao W, Hu L, Chen G, Jing J, Ma J, Li S, Ma Y*, Chen Y*, Dong G*. Exposure to ambient air pollution and visual impairment in children: A nationwide cross-sectional study in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021. Apr 5;407:124750 (IF=9.038, Q1)

9. Zhang JS#, Gui ZH#, Zou ZY#, Yang BY, Ma J, Jing J, Wang HJ, Luo JY, Zhang X, Luo CY, Wang H, Zhao HP, Pan DH, Bao WW, Guo YM, Ma YH*, Dong GH*, Chen YJ*. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents: A national cross-sectional study in China. Environmental international, 2021, 148:106383. (IF=7.757 Q1)

10. Shen L, Li C, Wang Z, Zhang R, Shen Y, Miles T, Wei J, Zou Z*. Early-Life Exposure to Severe Famine Is Associated with Higher Methylation Level in the IGF2 Gene and Higher Total Cholesterol in Late Adulthood: The Genomic Research of the Chinese Great Famine (GRECF) study. Clinical Epigenetics, 2019,11:88. (IF=5.496, Q1)