生命早期营养与婴幼儿健康. bwin必赢官方网站科研启动经费
全国第二次青少年生殖健康状况调查:项目设计和预调查. 联合国人口基金会
爱尔兰少数族裔母乳喂养行为和态度的研究. 爱尔兰科研和发展技能基金
爱尔兰DIT-Coombe 出生队列研究. 爱尔兰科研和发展技能基金
世界八国婴儿喂养、儿童膳食健康普查 (FITs & KIDs) . 瑞士雀巢有限公司
四个国家母乳成分和儿童成长的研究 (ATLAS). 瑞士雀巢有限公司
家 ‘深’ 幸福计划The Enhancing Family Well-being Project. 香港“爱+人”计划项目. 香港赛马会慈善信托基金.
1. Yang W, Jiao M, Xi L, Han N, Luo S, Xu X, Zhou Q* & Wang H (2021). The association between maternal fat-soluble vitamin concentrations during pregnancy and infant birth weight in China. British Journal of Nutrition 14; 125 (9):1058-1066.
2. Zhou Q§, Wang D§, Mhurchu CN, Gurrin C, Zhou J, Cheng Y & Wang H* (2019) The use of wearable cameras in assessing children's dietary intake and behaviours in China. Appetite 139:1-7.
3. Liu X, Zhou Q*, Clarke K, Younger KM, An M, Li Z, Tan Y & Kearney JM (2021) Maternal feeding practices and toddlers' fruit and vegetable consumption: results from the DIT-Coombe Hospital birth cohort in Ireland. Nutrition Journal 20 (1):84.
4. Samuel TM§, Zhou Q§, Giuffrida F, Munblit D, Verhasselt V & Thakkar SK* (2020) Nutritional and non-nutritional composition of human milk is modulated by maternal, infant and methodological factors. Frontiers in Nutrition 7:576133.
5. Zhou Q, Chan SSC, Stewart SM*, Leung CS, Wan A & Lam TH (2016) The effectiveness of positive psychology interventions in enhancing positive behaviors and family relationships in Hong Kong: a community-based participatory research project. Journal of Positive Psychology 11 (1): 70-84.
6. Zhou Q*, Younger KM, Cassidy TM, Wang W & Kearney JM (2020) Breastfeeding practices 2008-2009 among Chinese mothers living in Ireland: a mixed methods study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20: 51.
7. Chen H, Li C, Zhou Q*, Cassidy TM, Younger KM, Shen S & Kearney JM (2021). How to promote exclusive breastfeeding in Ireland: a qualitative study on views of Chinese immigrant mothers. International Breastfeeding Journal 16, 10.
8. Zhou Q*, Chen H, Younger KM, Cassidy TM & Kearney JM (2020). “I was determined to breastfeed, and I always found a solution”: successful experiences of exclusive breastfeeding among Chinese mothers in Ireland. International Breastfeeding Journal 15:47.
9. Zhou Q*, Younger KM & Kearney JM (2018) Infant Feeding Practices in China and Ireland: Ireland Chinese Mother Survey. Frontiers in Public Health 6: 351.
10. An M, Zhou Q*, Younger KM, Liu X & Kearney JM (2020) Are maternal feeding practices and mealtime emotions associated with toddlers’ food neophobia? A follow-up to the DIT-Coombe Hospital birth cohort in Ireland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(22): 8401.